Create Pinterest Pin Images FAST

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I wanted to take a minute to share a new tool with my fellow bloggers I have come across recently that has greatly saved me time when creating Pinterest Images for Life Beyond Zebra. This tool as made it so I can create 30 pin images in less than 15 minutes! YES! You read that right. I am going to take a few minutes to give you an overview of this tool so you too can create Pinterest pin images fast!

I love Pinterest

Pinterest is great. I love Pinterest. I have tons of boards on my personal account and even more boards on Life Beyond Zebra. When I started my blog I knew that it was important to utilize Pinterest for it. At first, I made one pin image for each post and then learned I should have a few at least and then I learned the more the marrier!!

I studied graphic design and make all my own graphics and things. When I first set out I was going to make all my own images. I made a few templates and they work well. Making the initial template was more time consuming than I liked and editing them for each post was cumbersome too. I wanted to ramp up my workflow so I searched for tools that could help me be more efficient. Sometimes just because you know how to do things the hard way doesn’t mean you have to do them the hard way.

Adobe Spark

I started making my pin images in Adobe Spark. I really like Spark because I can save the colors and icons for my brand. I chose a few layouts I liked and saved them as a template. For each post, I would update these templates for the current post. It worked and it was easy, however, it wasn’t that fast. It typically took about a half-hour to make 5 or 6 images. This is what I did for a while.


Recently, this all changed. I stumbled upon another blogger talking about this new great tool she was using to creating Pinterest pin images. I am a natural skeptic, so I assumed it was going to be way too expensive and it wouldn’t work for me. I watched it anyway, slept on it and decided to pull the trigger, try it out. OH MY G. This is the tool I didn’t know I needed.

The Tool is called RelayThat. It is similar to Canva and Adobe Spark but BETTER. This tool lets you create as many images as you want in just seconds. I use it mostly to create Pinterest pin images fast but you can create ads and other social media posts as well. It seamless updates as you change sizes too so you can make a consistent look across all of the platforms.

Lock in lifetime pricing here!

How it works

There is a lot to do with this program, I am just going to give you an overview of how powerful this tool is.

30 pin images made fast
30 Pinterest Pin Images in less than 30 Minutes!

I made all of these Pinterest Pin Images in less than a half hour! How?

relay that home page
Home page for RelayThat

When you first log in you are taken to the home page. On this page, you will see a bunch of workspaces presets. You will choose one that aligns with your brand and that you like. Don’t worry if the colors aren’t right or anything you can change it all later, it’s just a starting point.

relay that workspace to create pinterest pin images fast

Once you choose a workspace you can save it so that a you customize it it will be saved. Using the section on the right is where the magic happens. Choose images from the post you are making images for upload any icons you use and a logo. Then fill out the text boxes with whatever you want in them. Once you do this the left side AUTOMATICALLY updates every one of those images with this information. BAM tons of awesome Pinterest pin images for you pretty much ready to go! Simply click the download button and it’s done. Then choose another layout and make any adjustments, if needed and download that one. Keep going till you have the number of images you want.

When you first start the first few posts will take a little longer while you get to know how it works and get some of your brand basics into the program. Once you have that all done its just a matter of updating the text and images and downloading. Heart your favorite layouts so that you have an even easier time next time!

So there you have it. Simply easy tool that will save you tons of time when you need to create Pinterest pin images. I share a few more cool features with you.

Some More Useful Features

Tons of Layouts!

Premade pinterest pin images

Layouts for all the popular social media channels and a ton of ad sizes and shapes.

Tons of free stock images

You will have access to tons of free stock image to use in your images if you need them!

free stock images

Tons of Fonts

There are a ton of fonts to choose from to make your images you own. The even have font sets that go well together so you don’t have to be a graphic designer. You will notice in my workspace image above the curly brackets on the word “Spain”, anything in those brackets will be highlight text which you can customize or use a preset grouping.

tons of fonts

Title Suggestions

Stumbled on a good title for your post or ad? RelayThat as you covered, just input a category and a keyword or two and it will give a list of tons of great title ideas!

title suggestions

Import from Post

This is a really cool feature. You can copy the URL to your blog post and use this magic tool, it will find images and colors and things from the post and fill things out for you! Once you import it takes you to this spot where you can further choose images and colors and stuff, I used this the first time to save my brand related things. Once this is to your liking you just choose the right layouts and it’s done!

magic import
magic import for pin images
brand settings for pinterest pin images

Get RelayThat

Ok this tool sounds great and all but its really expensive right? No! It isn’t too expensive at all considering the amount of time saved. You can get RelayThat for just $25 per month. Even better than that they have a special offer that you can get lifetime access to the program for just $49! It is an absolute steal at that price so head over and get it before it sells out!

Schedule Pins with Tailwind

How will you pin all of these great Pinterest pin images? I personally use Tailwind to schedule all of my pins, it is a great way to bulk schedule and stay organized. Get $15 off with this link!